An anthology of English creative writing by Hilton College boys over the past year
I am pleased to be able to present the 2018 edition of Pinnacles, an annual compilation of writing from our boys. Although much of the work has been done in class time, on the creative writing excursion or with the writer-in-residence this year, I am happy to say that a good deal of it is the product of the boys’ own creativity and investment of time. Featured quite prominently are the works of Douglas Dorwood and Nic Bennett, joint winners of the LAB Sharpe Memorial Prize and Kyle Steenberg, winner of the Senior Verse Prize at Speech Day. Kaliwe Sindazi, currently on exchange, was the winner of the Grade 10 Derek Veenstra Prize for Creative Writing, and much of his work is included. Although not all contributors were publicly acknowledged with prizes, they have produced some superb work and I am grateful that they were willing to share them with us.
These writings are as diverse in focus and character as their writers are and provide an interesting insight into the thoughts of our young men. I hope you will enjoy reading them and appreciate them for what they are – the reflections of young, fresh minds.
Kathleen Schroeder