Dear Parents,
Online Learning
I had an idea that we would send a survey to your sons to rate your skills as parents who home school at this time. Let me know whether there are any objections!
Three days into our online distance learning platform and it seems things are running fairly smoothly, with the odd glitch here and there but on the whole it appears to be a positive experience.
I would like to thank you all for your support in this. Keep your focus; keep your sense of humour intact.
Finances and Fees
We have lodged our Fee Remission claim on your behalf and are in discussion with the insurers who have requested more information. This may take a little while as we negotiate through some of the fine print. Please bear with us; we are making progress and we do have a strategy in place to get to an answer which is hopefully favourable. I will continue to keep all parents up to date with this matter.
Once we have a date for the reopening of school, we will be able to quantify further savings we have made up until that date, in effect, the consumables we are not using at this time, among other initiatives. These savings will be passed on as they are quantified.
We recognise, with great sensitivity, that many businesses are in distress and we do not want to portray any sense of callousness around the payment of school fees. As with all businesses, we too are making every effort to manage our resources and to look after our people at this time. Should you be in a difficult financial position, please be in touch with Mrs Kim Martin, our Finance Director, via e-mail at at We hope not to lose a single family on account of Covid-19 and its financial challenges.
Media Matter
You may have been alerted to an article in the media detailing a complaint / charge laid by NEHAWU on behalf of some of their members around our ongoing forestry operations. Please be aware that this matter is being dealt with by our attorneys. In brief, the allegations are spurious and defamatory and we have taken a strong stance against the reckless challenge that has been aired in the public domain. We support and adhere to all the lockdown protocols as prescribed by the government and have been at pains to ensure all our functions and all our actions are as per regulation and requirement.
Way Forward
To date we have no further information on the reopening of schools. I am in constant conversation with ISASA as to further information from government around their thinking and as soon as we have some concrete information I will be in touch with you. I am aware that there are various reports in the media as to possible scenarios and unfortunately this is what these are, merely possible scenarios. We are working on protocols that we will need to adhere to should we be allowed to reopen and we will obviously share these when we are able to do so.
Finally, thank you for your ongoing support and for your assistance in keeping your sons online and motivated. We will continue to tweak and improve where necessary to ensure we are giving your sons the best under these circumstances.
Stay safe at this time.
George Harris